Yesterday and Today: The Interactive Beatles Experience is the most innovative and unique show utilizing the works of the Beatles.

This amazing band, anchored by brothers Billy, Matthew and Ryan McGuigan perform as themselves and leave the song choices completely in the hands of the audience.

This is done through request cards that audience members fill out prior to the show. On the cards audience members only need to fill out three things: their name, their favorite Beatles song and the reason why they chose that song.

The cards are collected and minutes before the show beings, a set list is created based upon the songs chosen by that particular audience. As an added treat, the reasons that the audience members chose those songs make up the narrative of the evening.

Every show is different, every show is interactive and every show proves that the Beatles music truly is the soundtrack to our lives.

“Foot-stomping, clapping in unison, singing along and outright screaming from the audience”

David Williams, Omaha City Weekly

Stars of Yesterday and Today, Billy, Ryan and Matthew McGuigan were just 21, 18 and 15 years old in 1996 when their father, William (Bill) McGuigan, passed away, after a difficult, but courageous battles with Leukemia.

Bill owned every Beatles album there was…even the obscure ones. However, as a family, the McGuigans were quite poor. So, rather than going out to entertain the young ones, Bill stayed home with them and shared his love of the Beatles catalogue with his boys. Little did any of them know, it would turn out to be one of the greatest gifts a father could pass on to his children.

Billy, Matthew and Ryan united their musical talents, charms and passion for performing to create the ultimate living tribute to the greatest man they’ve ever known. Yesterday and Today: The Interactive Beatles Experience was born out of the idea that everyone, like themselves, has a story or particular memory attached to the legendary music of The Beatles.


What the McGuigan boys have overwhelmingly found, since debuting the show in 2007, is that not only do people have a story to tell, but they are absolutely ready and willing to tell that story when being able to tie it to their favorite Beatles song. On some level, it goes beyond sheer entertainment, and perhaps becomes a hint of music therapy.

Every night the songs change, the faces change and the stories change. But one element always remains the same between the McGuigans and their fans. A mutual respect for why they are there. Whether it’s for the sheer love of the music, or to have a personal connection with it, either way, the McGuigan boys get to do what they love most – honoring the memory of their greatest hero, and the priceless gift he gave them so many years ago.